How to Inherit an Italian property & How to Start an Italian court dispute

How do I claim an inheritance in Italy?

A Answer: You shall complete and file an Italian inheritance claim, aka Italian Estate Return, or declaration of succession (“dichiarazione di successione”), to record the property transfer into your name.

What is the inheritance tax in Italy?


Italian Inheritance Tax Costs Explained

Italian Inheritance Tax (Imposta sulle Successioni e Donazioni) is paid depending on who the beneficiaries are and can be summarised as follows: 4% If beneficiaries are the deceased’s spouse or children, with no tax payable up to €1,000,000 each.

How long is probate in Italy?

The timescale for winding up an Italian estate depends on the estate in question. It is not uncommon for it to take from 12 months to several years to fully administer a Italian estate especially where there are assets in more than one country.

How much does it cost to sell a house in Italy?

Under Italian law, the real estate agent is usually paid a commission (Provvigione) which is usually between 2.5% and 3% of the purchase price by both the buyer and the vendor.

How to Start an Italian court dispute?

It is very expensive & time consuming so not very recommended. Only lawyers will win at the end.

How are the accused treated in Italy?

Article 111 of the Italian Constitution states that: – Trials are based on equal confrontation of the parties before an independent and impartial judge. The law has to define reasonable time limits for the proceedings; During the trial, all the witnesses must bear testimony once again, as must the experts.

Can you sue in Italy?

You are able to sue someone in Italy using proper legal procedure. My Lawyer in Italy can give you proper advice in choosing the correct court and filing papers within legal time limits which will give you a real chance to win your case. Generally, you can be sued in Italy if you are in the country.

How does the Italian court system work?

Justice. The Italian judicial system consists of a series of courts and a body of judges who are civil servants. The highest court in the central hierarchy is the Supreme Court of Cassation; it has appellate jurisdiction and gives judgments only on points of law.

To inherit Italian property or start an Italian court dispute you need Codice Fiscale – Italian Tax code.
I’m already applying for Tax codes for my clients & I’d be more than glad to be able to help: