How to get Codice Fiscale online – Ultimate Guide

How to get Codice Fiscale online – Ultimate Guide
How to get Codice Fiscale yourself for free
If you are wondering if you can you get a Codice Fiscale online ( Italian tax number / Italian Tax code / Italian Tax ID ) the answer is YES! It is free & easy, even if first it can be confusing, even after searching “Codice Fiscale Italy online” or similar keywords in Google did not get any good answers.
Everybody can get it, I assure you, even if you are not in Italy yet and does not have your visa yet & residence permit (permesso di soggiorno).
Why I am so confident to write it? Because I have been sharing info for fee with people from most of the countries in the world how to get get Codice Fiscale in Italy online or offline for many years.
With little patience everybody has got their Codice Fiscale for little or no effort. Just trust the process & Read 5★★★★★ Google Reviews & get your Codice Fiscale online.
You can always ask help for filling out Codice Fiscale form for you if filling it in seems too complicated (it is not! 😉 ). Thankfully, as an alternative, if you are not in Italy yet, you can apply at any Italian consular authorities in your country of residence.
Most of the cases everything can be done online, without the need to travel to the capital (or some biggest cities) on your country. It can be very fast or take more time than applying it yourself online as you should get one sooner rather than later to avoid stress later, specially if you are not familiar with the Italian bureaucratic.

How do I get Codice Fiscale online?

How to apply for an Italian tax code (how to make Codice Fiscale online) in 3 steps easily:

The process to how to apply for Codice Fiscale from United States onlinehow to apply for Codice Fiscale from US

how to apply for Codice Fiscale from UK, is the same,

does not matter from what country you are applying from, inside or outside EU (Schengen countries included).


Print and fill out the official form from the Agenzia delle Entrate website, write your info directly to .pdf (recommended). (form and instructions are in ENGLISHGERMANSPANISHITALIAN | FRENCHSLOVENIAN

Full guide how to fill out Codice Fiscale form?

To learn quick how to fill in Codice Fiscale form: PRE-FILLED CODICE FISCALE APPLICATION FORM TO APPLY – SIIM METSLA
P.S.: Province stays EE, as you need to insert your residency address in your home country (NOT IN ITALY),
P.S.S.: Make sure to insert birthday date forma ast DAY/MONTH/YEAR (and not as in US MONTH/DAY/YEAR).


If you didn’t yet, fill it out by pen with CAPITAL LETTERS. For fast & easy .pdf scanning you can use free app like “Evernote Scannable” for iOS or CamScanner for Android. P.S.: You can always use the same procedure to change your Codice Fiscale online after name change. Just but the X in .pdf to 2 (instead of 1) and add your current Codice Fiscale.


Send the email to apply for your Codice Fiscale online together with your valid passport main page copy or EU citizen ID-card copy with signature page visible (sometimes in the back of the ID card) & try to keep the size few MB.

How long to get Codice Fiscale online?

Usually it takes few working days (July/August /September, December/January can take longer due vacation periods). you’ll receive back your valid Codice Fiscale Italian tax code, just like this one:
P.S.: If they reply asking for a valid visa & living permit (permesso di soggiorno), try another Agenzia della Entrate email.
P.S.S: Check that all the info is correct and in case reply to the same email, if needed, for the correction.

How can I get Codice Fiscale in Italy, once already here?

How to apply for Codice Fiscale from Italy & How to apply for Codice Fiscale from Italia, How to apply for Italian Tax code & How to apply for an Italian tax code: I already have written also how to get Codice Fiscale in Italy & how to get Codice Fiscale in Milan & how to get Codice Fiscale in Rome or any other city in Italy you find yourself in, the process is always the same.
Apply online with your country residency address or go to a local Agenzie delle Entrate office. If you entered the country with an employee visa, you are already the owner of the tax code, as it was issued with the visa to Italian diplomatic agents or consulates abroad.
You can go to an Italian Revenue Agency office that is present in every other bigger city in Italy and fill out a form for your personal Italian tax code – Codice Fiscale. At the office, you will get a printed out A4 paper that has your official tax code on it.
Pro Tip: You can already bring the printed & filled form with you. Bring with you also the copy of your document (valid passport or ID card issued by the local counry of residence. Valid ones also need to have photo & signature.
Then you just need to bring your  filled application form & your ID to the nearest office of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency). To find the closest one, just search for “Agenzie delle Entrate” in Google maps in your city in Italy.
Better always go in the morning, early, some days they are closed also for publish. Get your que number and wait for your turn. They will enter your data and immediately provide you with the official paper version of your unique tax identification number Italy (Italian tax code).
If you don’t have a printer, you can email the .pdf to one of the many “copisteria” (printers and copiers) and let them print it for you. You can also find a copy of the Codice Fiscale application form in English at the office of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency).

You can also find a list of all the offices of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency) online:

If you have applied for an Italian health insurance card (Tessera Sanitaria) you will receive the card and it will have your  Codice Fiscale (Italian tax code) printed in the back of the Tessera Sanitaria.

How to get Codice Fiscale card (plastic card)?

There is no separate plastic card anymore but as an alternative you could use free apps like “iTesserino” that generates bar code from your Codice Fiscale to have it always with you to show, when needed for scans, example in doctors office or when sending a parcel from Italian Post office – Poste Italiane (works the same way than the app for all your Shops Loyalty cards like Stocard).

Maybe you have sometimes wondered what is an Italian tax id?

For individuals Codice Fiscale is the Italian national identification number and tax code, generated on the basis of personal data based and is made up of 16 alphanumeric characters. Italian Tax Identification Number Codice Fiscale (TIN) is similar to the Social Security Number (SSN) in the US, National Insurance number in the UK, the NIE Number in Spain & the BSN number in the Netherlands. Everybody Tax ID is unique.
Codice Fiscale is a personal and unique combination of letters and numbers to identify any person in Italy. The only valid Codice Fiscale (Italian tax code) is only issued directly by the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Authority) and it is calculated from personal information full name(s) and surname(s), date and county of birth. Also, it has no photo of the owner (like any other valid ID).

How to generate your Codice Fiscale?

You can calculate your nonofficial Codice Fiscale yourself to check if it is valid (or/and if you do not remember to have one). Codice Fiscale lookup: Fiscal Code Italy generator / Codice Fiscale generator: Italian Tax code calculator and clear introductions how to generate your Italian fiscal code.

How to check my Codice Fiscale?

Check the validity of your Codice Fiscale with clear indications. A Codice Fiscale (Italian Tax Code) is similar to a US Social Security Number (SSN), but be aware that “SSN” in Italy means something completely different.

Codice Fiscale is valid, but you do not have the certificate anymore?

You can always ask the new one. The process is always the same than to ask for a new Codice Fiscale Certificate.

What can you do with your tax number?

Tax id is not only for paying taxes in Italy. Besides needing it to be able to study and work in Italy (also as an freelancer), to open a bank account, to rent (for more than 30 days) or buy a house, sign utility contracts, even making purchases online, or simply to get a SIM/cell phone contract and many more occasions to receive access to a variety of services. SIM card like Iliad you can also just buy now from supermarkets like ESSELUNGA.
Most of the cases you do need to register yourself with the Italian National Health Service (SSN Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), if you stay here for longer period than 90 days and need it even After using the Codice Fiscale (Italian Fiscal Code) to register with the Italian National Health Service (SSN Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), the Italian Health Insurance Card (Tessera Sanitaria) will have the Codice Fiscale Italy printed behind it for your easy use, when asked to scan it.
The Italian Health Insurance Card (Tessera Sanitaria) has the same duration of permit of stay while the Codice Fiscale (Italian Tax Code) does not expire. It means that even when the Italian Health Insurance Card (Tessera Sanitaria) expires you can still use it as a Italian Tax Code (tax identification number Italia).
I hope I answered your question, How to get Codice Fiscale online Italy, by now, if not, you can always GET MY HELP (check out all free info or ask for help). Good luck for you stay in Italy for leisure & study or maybe even starting your new (work)life here! You will not regret your decision for coming here. Already the food is so good! Enjoy 😉

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