How to get Codice Fiscale in Milan Italy

How to get Codice Fiscale in Milan Italy
certificato di attribuzione del codice fiscale
certificato di attribuzione del codice fiscale
Codice Fiscale ( Italian Tax Code) example: Certificato di attribuzione del codice fiscale

Where to get Codice Fiscale ( Italian Tax Code) in Milan Italy

Came to study or work in Milan? For sure you need Codice Fiscale to rent a house more than 30 days (owner needs it to register the rent contract within 30 days from the checkin date, the date you signed & the rent contract start), to open a bank account or to apply for living permit (permesso di soggiorno).

What is Codice Fiscale ( Italian Tax code ) and where to get it?

Codice fiscale certificate you can ask from your workplace / school, example Bocconi University will apply for their students (but not for exchange students).
If you get a no, you need to go to apply yourself.

How to get Codice Fiscale yourself for free.

How long it takes total?

It can take between 1/3 hours total to get Codice Fiscale in Milan.
Example: from Bocconi University Via Roberto Sarfatti 25
you need 30 minutes total to arrive to Agenzia delle Entrate Missaglia office.
It includes less than 10min walking and taking 14 stops with the tram nr 3/15.

What time is better to go there?

Better always to go in the morning, as early as possible. I can recommend for you to go only this times. Monday to friday 9:00 to 12:30. Sometimes they are also open afternoon.

This is where i submit it or where i go to pick up the form?

You just need fill a form and they give it to you, you need 10 min to 120 min total, to wait.
Bring your valid passport and passport copy, example, how to fill it up, check here.

How to go Agenzia delle Entrate Missaglia office?

Click to see from Google maps: Via dei Missaglia 20142 Milano, Italy

Agenzia delle Entrate via dei Missaglia office - how to go from Bocconi University
Agenzia delle Entrate via dei Missaglia office – how to go from Bocconi University

P.S.: Right building is the big red marker

You need to walk little, as the tram nr. 3/15 stop is other side of the road, when arriving.

Agenzia delle Entrate via dei Missaglia office - how to go from Bocconi University zoom in
Agenzia delle Entrate via dei Missaglia office – how to go from Bocconi University zoom in