Applying for Codice Fiscale in Italy : Ultimate Guide 2023

Applying for Codice Fiscale in Italy : Ultimate Guide 2023
How to apply for Codice Fiscale in Italy

2023 Ultimate Guide : Applying for Codice Fiscale in Italy

Key Facts about the Italian Codice Fiscale You Should Know

The Codice Fiscale, or Italian Tax Code, is a unique alphanumeric identifier used for tax and administrative purposes in Italy. All Italian citizens and foreign nationals residing in Italy for more than 183 days a year must have a Codice Fiscale. This code is utilized for various activities, such as opening a bank account, purchasing property, registering for healthcare services, and even buying a SIM card for a mobile phone. The process of obtaining a Codice Fiscale is relatively straightforward and can be done online or in person at a local tax office (Agenzia delle Entrate) or through the third-party providers mentioned below. Failure to acquire a Codice Fiscale or provide it when necessary can lead to fines and other legal repercussions.

Overview of the Codice Fiscale Application Process in Italy

The Codice Fiscale is a unique identification number necessary for numerous transactions in Italy. To acquire a Codice Fiscale, you need to collect personal details such as your name, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, and address in Italy. There are three methods to obtain a Codice Fiscale: in-person at a local tax office, online via the official website of the Italian Revenue Agency, or through a third-party service provider. Third-party service providers offer a convenient and streamlined option for obtaining a Codice Fiscale. Once you have applied, you will receive your Codice Fiscale and can use it for various purposes in Italy. Your Codice Fiscale is confidential and should be kept secure. The process of obtaining a Codice Fiscale may vary depending on your circumstances. Your Codice Fiscale needs to be kept up-to-date. Companies and other organizations operating in Italy also need a Codice Fiscale. The process of obtaining a Codice Fiscale for a company or organization is similar to that for individuals, but additional documentation may be required. There are different types of Codice Fiscale for different types of entities.

Key Points to Remember When Applying for a Codice Fiscale in Italy

When applying for your Codice Fiscale in Italy, it is crucial to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Any errors or inconsistencies in your application can cause delays or complications in the process. If you are applying for a Codice Fiscale for the purpose of working in Italy, you may also need to obtain a work permit or visa. It is important to research the specific requirements for your situation and ensure that you have all necessary documentation. It is also important to note that your Codice Fiscale is not the same as your Italian residency status. While obtaining a Codice Fiscale may be a requirement for obtaining residency, it does not automatically grant you residency in Italy. If you are having difficulty obtaining your Codice Fiscale or navigating the application process, you can seek assistance from a professional, such as an accountant or lawyer, who specializes in Italian tax and legal issues. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that the process for obtaining a Codice Fiscale may change over time, and the information and resources provided in this article may become outdated. It is always a good idea to check with official government sources or seek professional advice to ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information.

How to Apply for a Codice Fiscale in Italy: A Comprehensive Guide for Individuals

The Codice Fiscale, also known as the tax code, is a unique identification number that is required for a variety of transactions in Italy. If you are planning to live, work, or conduct business in Italy, you will need to obtain a Codice Fiscale. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to obtain a Codice Fiscale in Italy, based on information provided by the website

Step 1: Gather Required Information

Before you start the process of obtaining a Codice Fiscale, you will need to gather some important information. This includes your personal information, such as your full name, date of birth, place of birth, and citizenship. You will also need to provide your address in Italy, if you have one, and your tax identification number from your home country, if applicable.

Step 2: Choose a Method to Obtain Your Codice Fiscale

There are several ways to obtain a Codice Fiscale in Italy. The most common methods include:

  1. In-person application at a local tax office (Agenzia delle Entrate):
  2. Online application via-email through the official website of the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate):
    (not sure if it still works) but you can always try to send them email, how to here & sample emails:
  3. Get professional help to get your Italian Codice Fiscale from a trusted Italian Law Firm Studio Legale Metta since 1887 (chat / email / phone)

Studio Legale Metta

While in-person application may be the most traditional method, it can also be time-consuming and require a significant amount of paperwork. Online application through the official website of the Italian Revenue Agency can be convenient, but it may be difficult for non-Italian speakers to navigate. Third-party service providers can offer a streamlined and convenient option for obtaining a Codice Fiscale.

Step 3: Apply for Your Codice Fiscale

If you opt to use a third-party service provider, the process is quite straightforward. You’ll need to input your personal information and any other necessary details on their website, and then submit your application. You should then receive your Codice Fiscale via email within a few working days, if it’s urgent.

Alternatively, if you choose to apply in person at a local tax office or online through the official website of the Italian Revenue Agency, you’ll need to provide your personal information and any other necessary details. You may also need to provide additional documentation, such as proof of identity or residency. Once your application is complete, you will receive your Codice Fiscale.

Step 4: Use Your Codice Fiscale

Once you have obtained your Codice Fiscale, you can use it for a variety of purposes in Italy. Some common uses include:

  1. Opening a bank account
  2. Signing a lease agreement
  3. Registering for utilities, such as gas and electricity
  4. Applying for a job or starting a business
  5. Filing your taxes in Italy

It is important to keep your Codice Fiscale in a safe place, as you will need to use it frequently for various transactions in Italy.

Codice Fiscale requirement for companies & other organizations

Moreover, the Codice Fiscale is not exclusive to individuals; it is also a requirement for companies and other organizations operating in Italy. The process of obtaining a Codice Fiscale for a company or organization is similar to that for individuals, but it may necessitate additional documentation. This could include proof of the company’s registration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce and details about the company’s directors and shareholders. Different types of entities have different types of Codice Fiscale. For instance, a sole proprietorship would use a different type of Codice Fiscale than a corporation. If there is uncertainty about which type of Codice Fiscale is suitable for an organization, it is advisable to consult with an accountant or other professional. It is crucial to be aware of the consequences of not having a valid Codice Fiscale when required. Without a Codice Fiscale, certain activities that require identification in Italy, such as opening a bank account or signing a lease agreement, may not be possible. Additionally, failure to provide a valid Codice Fiscale when required may result in fines or other penalties.

The Importance of Residency in Codice Fiscale Application

Another important aspect to consider when obtaining a Codice Fiscale in Italy is the issue of residency. While it is possible to obtain a Codice Fiscale as a non-resident, the process may be slightly different and may require additional documentation. If you are a non-resident and need to obtain a Codice Fiscale, you may need to provide proof of your residency in another country, such as a passport or other official identification. You may also need to provide documentation showing that you have an ongoing business or financial relationship with Italy, such as a contract or invoices.

It is worth noting that some individuals may be eligible for a “fiscal representative” in Italy. A fiscal representative is a person or entity that acts as your representative for tax purposes in Italy and can assist you with obtaining a Codice Fiscale and other tax-related matters. However, the requirements for a fiscal representative can vary depending on your individual circumstances, so it is important to consult with a professional to determine whether this option is right for you.

Protecting Privacy in Codice Fiscale Application

Another important consideration when obtaining a Codice Fiscale is the issue of privacy. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the use of personal data in Italy and the European Union (EU), and the Italian government has taken steps to protect the privacy of its citizens and residents.

If you are concerned about the use of your personal data when obtaining a Codice Fiscale, it is worth noting that the Italian Revenue Agency has strict guidelines in place to protect the privacy of individuals and organizations. Additionally, the agency has established a dedicated “Privacy Guarantor” to oversee the protection of personal data and ensure compliance with EU data protection laws.


In summary, obtaining a Codice Fiscale in Italy is not only important for individuals but also for companies and other organizations operating in the country. It is essential to provide accurate and up-to-date information during the application process, and to be aware of the specific requirements for your circumstances. Keeping your Codice Fiscale secure and up-to-date is crucial, as it is necessary for various transactions in Italy. Additionally, understanding the implications of residency and privacy in the Codice Fiscale application process is important to ensure compliance with regulations and protect personal information.

Remember, the Codice Fiscale is an essential identification number for individuals, companies, and organizations operating in Italy. It is crucial to ensure that you have obtained your Codice Fiscale and keep it up-to-date for various transactions and legal obligations in the country.

Additional Resources:

If you need further assistance or information regarding the Codice Fiscale application process in Italy, you can refer to the following resources:

  • Official website of the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate):
  • Trusted Italian Law Firm Studio Legale Metta:
  • Professional accountants or lawyers specializing in Italian tax and legal matters

These resources can provide you with updated information, guidance, and support throughout the Codice Fiscale application process.


Obtaining a Codice Fiscale in Italy is an essential step for anyone planning to live, work, or do business in the country. While there are several methods for obtaining a Codice Fiscale, using a third-party service provider can offer a streamlined and convenient option. By following these steps, you’ll be well-prepared to utilize your Codice Fiscale for a range of purposes and navigate the various transactions and requirements in Italy.

Trusted Italian Law Firm Studio Legale Metta:

Disclaimer: The information provided in this guide is based on available sources and is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not legal or tax advice. For specific guidance on obtaining a Codice Fiscale in Italy, consult with professionals or refer to official government sources.