Generate non official tax code

Generate non official tax code

You can use this website to generate your non-official Codice Fiscale:

  1. Go to this website:
  2. Fill the form & click “calcola”.
  3. Your non-official tax code is generated for you.

This non-official Codice Fiscale you can use in websites that ask you for an Italian tax code to buy stuff online. Example: event tickets from or ordering something else online from Italian online shops.

Remember that this process will not create an official Italian tax code – Codice Fiscale!

Be aware that if you ever need a real Italian tax code, the one you create using the website mentioned here may not be 100% accurate and is not valid in many cases.

Example: for the apartment owners to register your Italian rent contract for more than 30 days. But in this case, they have 30 days to register the contract with Agenzie delle Entrate offline or online so you have plenty of time to apply for one when already here in Italy.

P.S.: If you need an official Codice Fiscale, then you must go to the offices of the Agenzia della Entrate or delegate an acquaintance to do it for you.

I’d be more than glad to be able to help:


Long explanation on how to generate a non-official Italian tax code (link to another webpage):

How to create Italian Tax code – Codice Fiscale – online