Check existing Italian Tax Code

Check existing Italian tax code (codice fiscale): If you believe that you were already assigned a tax code, you can check it personally online through two simple steps, as follows:

a) “Calculate” your Italian codice fiscale on any of the many online websites that offer an online tax code calculator or generator, looking in Google using the example keyword: “calcolo codice fiscale“;

b) Once you have what you believe to be your Italian tax code, check if it is valid and current at THIS WEBPAGE set up for this purpose by the Italian Revenue Office (Agenzia delle Entrate).

P.S.: To use your Codice Fiscale officially, you need to have the valid one from Agenzia delle Entrate, even if the fiscal code will be the same that you could generate yourself.

Video how to check existing Italian Tax code

Translation of the page to check Italian Tax code validity (video):

Verification and correspondence between the tax code and the personal data of a natural person

All fields are mandatory

Fiscal Code:

Personal data Surname: First name:

Date of birth (dd / mm / yyyy): calendar

County of birth: Choose: STATO ESTERO (FOREIGN STATE) (one of the last ones)

Municipality or foreign state of birth: ADD YOUR COUNTRY NAME IN ITALIAN

Sex: Male Female Enter the characters you see or hear in the “Security code” field.

audio security code image: write the characters you are about to hear in the “security code” field other image other audio

Security code: